Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why do the Reminder?

"The very basis for doing the Reminder is to bring the mind from the worldly energy toward Godly or spiritual energy. The very reason for giving this practice is to bring the attention or energy from worldliness to a spiritual focus. 
Mind has a tendency to chatter, to keep us busy and make us think about mundane matters. If we're not directing our energy toward God or toward higher energy, mind becomes dirty, very fast. Like it says in THOTH, if we don't take a shower every couple of days, we will be very dirty and uncomfortable. If the body becomes dirty in a few days, mind is even more sensitive than body, so it becomes dirty even faster than the body. So if we try to take a shower at least once a day, we have to clear the mind more than once a day. 
So that's why

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Collective Meditation vs. Transmission Meditation

"There is a difference between Collective Meditation and Transmission Meditation:

Collective meditation is to strengthen the community. That is why we meditate together (in fact it should be done every day together in the morning and evening).  Transmission meditation is what we do on Saturdays (6:00 AM to 6:30 AM and again 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM, MST).  Transmission Meditation is individual meditation for good (God) Will to man and Peace on earth, etc.

In other words: Collective Meditation is

Meditation and Prayer

"Meditation is a state when God talks to a person. Prayer is when a person talks to God! That is why in meditation one feels Oneness with God or being Him. Without being humble, this might create a superiority feeling in the person who meditates.

This is the reason why selfless service is recommended for the disciples, to bring a balance between a great feeling of being One with God and the humbleness of being selfless (His servant). Prayer also does the same thing. In order for a person to kneel down and pray to God, he or she should humble the self to do so.

Therefore, meditation and prayer go hand-in-hand. They bring a balance to a person. Meditation makes a person to be with God; prayer makes him humble. Prayer in fact is a spiritual service (not being self-centered) to the Self."

Monday, May 14, 2012

Universal Mantra

"We have a universal mantra that has been given to everyone. It is Haree Om Shrii Hung, Om Nam Kevalam, which means, "The Goal Of The Life Is To Be(Come) Divine, That Divinity (God) Is Everything."

When you use the mantra, first of all you breathe deeply, therefore it relaxes your body.  You relax your body first and then you start breathing very deeply.  Deep breathing brings

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to Meditate?

"As long as you're listening to what other people tell you is the right way, it is not going to take you where you can hear what is within you and telling you what is the truth. Whenever a person is telling you how to meditate, it's that person's experience. That is one problem on earth. Each person finds a part of the truth and grabs it and then comes back and says, I've found it. I say, Whenever you say, "I found it," you lost it.

God is not something you can find. He's something that goes on and on, and you find more of Him every moment. Even God sometimes surprises Himself. He realizes